Vedic Astrology Compatibility

Free vedic astrology compatibility


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  • Vedic Astrology is the oldest form of Astrology known to us, being 5000-7000 years old. Indastro follows Vedic / Indian Astrology principles without any compromise for all its readings that are man made & never software generated.

The Vedic Astrology Romantic Compatibility Report is a special computerized report that examines a romantic relationship using specific criteria in Vedic Astrology. Although we feature Western astrology on our site, we offer this report for a few reasons. Vedic Astrology tends to be very specific—some say fatalistic, although this is not always the case with many modern Vedic astrologers.

Founded in Vedic Astrology, we use a natural, constellation-based formula of compatibility to test 'chemistry' and Karmic patterns between two or more individuals. It is not simply the shortsighted assessment of whether a Taurus will get along with a Leo.

Aplikasi hack wifi terbaru untuk laptop. This particular report will appeal to those who take comfort in a formula or a “bottom line”. A couple either scores well in a particular category…or not. Those who are sensitive to this type of formula should not purchase the report.

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The ancient method of relationship compatibility is largely based upon the Moons of the couple though it also includes a comparison of Mars. These techniques determine the fundamental compatibility that is the foundation of the relationship. If the compatibility is favorable, the couple will have the capacity to relate in a manner that allows the love to flow and for both of them to grow in a positive way. Karmic and behavioral factors will modify to which extent they will fulfill this capacity. If the compatibility is inadequate the couple will find it difficult to flow together; their very energies will not harmonize well together. In this case there is little that they can do, but to accept the fact that they collide or miss each other at times. They can consciously attempt to create a better flow, but at times they will fall back onto their natural, disruptive flow, especially during times of stress or fatigue.

In these techniques a very careful examination of the Moons are made. The Moons are compared not only in the context of the sign that they are in, but also in the context of the Nakshatra that they are in. A Nakshatra is a lunar asterism, of which there are twenty seven. Each of the Nakshatras relates to a small constellation. The Nakshatras are the ancient star based zodiac.

Why the Moons? Because, according to the writer of this compatibility report (Ernst Wilhelm),…

  • The Moon is the “Manas, Mind, in which lives the Jiva: the self, with Ahamkara, the Ego, the idea of separate existence.” -Sri Yukteswar. The Moon, therefore, indicates the compatibility of the two selves.
  • The Moon is the social planet through which people’s energies flow together. Whether the relationship flows in such a manner as to create mutual respect and increase in love, or whether it flows in a manner that causes disrespect and loss of love is largely dependent upon the Moon.
  • The Moon is the conditioned consciousness; what is most comfortable, familiar and innate to the individual. It is most important for those living together and spending a great deal of time with each other to be comfortable with each other and to offer support to one other.
  • The Moon represents the small things we need throughout the day to keep us feeling balanced and all right, such as the type of food we need, the stimulation we need, the environment we need, etc. It is important that two people spending a lot of time together need similar things at the same time, else one person, usually the less dominant one, will begin to feel unbalanced and unwell.

This compatibility report is written by Ernst Wilhelm and produced by Kala Occult Publishers. If you are interested in learning more about Vedic Astrology, please visit

Information required for the analysis:

Vedic Astrology Compatibility Online

Please list the following information for each person:

  • Name (first name is acceptable)
  • Birth day (example Nov. 12/71 – please use Month/Day/Year format if you are using numerical months)
  • Birth time (example 7:25 PM)
  • Birth place (example San Diego, CA)

Note this is a romantic compatibility report. The Moon signs listed in the report may be different than those in the other reports we offer, due to the use of the Sidereal Zodiac in Vedic astrology, while we use the Tropical Zodiac.

**Important**: Note also that the system used here speaks of the man and the woman. Many of the interpretations are gender-biased—that is the nature of the Vedic compatibility system, which is an old system traditionally used to match women and men for marriage. Because same-sex marriages and relationships were not recognized in those days, this Indian traditional system doesn’t take them into account. Obviously, because this compatibility system is hetero-normative and does not reflect today’s much more friendly progressive views, it’s limited. However, I offer the report to those curious about how their relationship would have fared with this traditional system. I am working on an adaptation of the report for same-sex unions, which should be available shortly. All other compatibility reports we offer on the site are based on modern views of couples and do not have different interpretations for males and females. As well, this report may not be relevant for those who don’t conform to the usual gender stereotypes.

This report does not describe the characters of either person and instead reveals and explains the scores/results in each compatibility category. Keep in mind that many couples do score low in these categories – if you feel that receiving a low score or rating will bother you, then it’s better to look for a non-score-based compatibility report instead.

Vedic Astrology Compatibility Calculator

Unlike the other reports we offer, this report uses sidereal Astrology calculations. The Moon signs may not be the same as those in the tropical zodiac.

Pay with your credit card or debit card: We accept payments through PayPal. This safe and secure service allows our readers to pay instantly online using their credit cards, debit cards, or e-checks. The process is easy and safe, and you are not required to register with Paypal in order to complete this transaction. The report is delivered through email usually within 24 hours of receipt of successful payment and full information required.

Vedic Astrology Compatibility

#VC $4.00 US Vedic Compatibility Report computerized report sent through email within 24 hours of receipt of payment AND full information required.

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Life is a mystery and I have been seeking truth and trying to remember who I am for as long as I can remember. In my early 20's, I was seeking truth in churches, then was introduced to tarot for self inquiry. Shamanism then shaped me and I cultivated friendships with all sorts of nature beings from crows to rivers. In my mid 30's, I went to massage therapy school and dived deep into many healthcare modalities. In my mid 40's I was lost after the death of my mother and asked the divine how to get back into my body. My answer was Yoga and through that journey I found Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology has seized me.

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