Norton Ghost Usb Boot Disk

Norton ghost usb boot disk download
  1. Ghost Iso To Usb
Norton ghost usb boot image

Ghost Iso To Usb

Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
Hi folks-
I'm working on a laptop backup / disaster recovery scheme here.
How can I get the bootable Ghost 9 recovery environment onto a USB
memory key, making it bootable? My laptop (IBM T42P) can boot from USB.
Ghost 9.01 newbie here. My prior experience is all with Drive Image
ending with DI 2002. I would burn images to CD including bootable DOS
with the DI2002 executables, so that each image disk was a self-
contained recovery system (no other master recovery disk needed), or
more recently, I put the DI2002 on a DOS-bootable USB key.
Boot the USB key and BAM! I'm ready to recover from CD/DVD with the
I wasn't able to use DI2002 successfully to image my new laptop direct
to DVD (assorted weird problems) so I bought our corporate standard
Ghost. I'm on 9.01.
The main drawback I can see is that restoring the system drive requires
booting the specific CD with recovery console on it. I don't want to
have to carry it around, and there are problems when my recovery image
media needs the same drive as the recovery console CD.
Since Ghost 9 recovery environment is built on NT, I can't just run
executables from DOS. I need to get the whole recovery environment onto
the USB key.
Any thoughts?
Norton Ghost Usb Boot Disk

Ghost / Full OS Backup Using Ghost. April 21, 2016 June 3, 2016 ponvel Recovery, Windows, Windows Tricks. Again you need to insert the Norton Ghost CD/USB and then you have to boot from it as said above. Then go to the Recover My Computer option. Select your USB drive from the left-hand pane of Windows Explorer, right-click anywhere in the right-hand pane and select 'Paste.' Windows will now copy your recovery disk to the USB key. You will now be able to use that recovery USB drive to boot into the Norton Ghost recovery environment. Unable to boot from Bootable Norton Ghost USB I have created a Bootable Norton Ghost USB and on 1 of the laptops this works fine. However on my 2nd laptop - newer model - I cannot boot from the same USB stick so that I can either restore an image that I created or take a new image.

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