Pokemon Rom Hacks For Desmume

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Not only have you not caught them all — you haven't even played them all.

The Pokémon-playing community has proven to be one of the most industrious groups of fans this industry has ever seen. That tenacity is built into the franchise's very nature. To fully complete a PokeDex in Pokémon X and Y, you have to collect over 700 discrete monsters, either through catching, trading, evolving, transferring from previous installments or obtaining from timed Wi-Fi or real-world events. To even attempt high-level competitive play requires hundreds of hours of breeding, battling and pure, dumb luck.

Despite the truly gargantuan amount of time demanded by the core series, there are fans who demand more — and fans who create more.

Since the early 2000s, fans with the knowhow, software and artistic ability to do so have been creating unofficial Pokémon games in the form of ROM hacks. Dozens, if not hundreds, of these games can be found online for free. Some are loaded onto actual Game Boy Advance cartridges, and bootlegged to unwitting consumers. Some are exceptional recreations of a true, full Pokémon experience. Some are considerably less polished. Some don't even attempt authenticity, favoring puerile humor, violence or frequent nudity instead.

Over the past month, I've gone down the ROM hack rabbit hole, playing over a dozen fan-made titles in order to curate a list of some of the most fascinating Pokémon games I've ever played — official or otherwise. This list is far from comprehensive, of course; make sure to sound off below on any notable fan-made games not mentioned.

Pokémon: Advanced Adventure

Pokémon games have followed a fairly rigid formula since the series' inception: You get a starter, collect and level Pokémon, face off against your rival, beat the region's eight gym leaders, then conquer the Elite Four. Pokémon: Advanced Adventure, a modified version of the GBA title Pokémon: LeafGreen, follows that structure for the most part. Oh, except your rival, Gary, is a bloodthirsty psychopath who rules the world, and the only way to stop him is to best his eight equally evil subordinates.

That plot contributes a fairly strange tone to the game, as you might imagine. It's not the only strange storytelling choice: Advanced Adventure's protagonist comes from a poor family, which the game repeatedly explains to you in thorough detail. Like, at one point, Professor Oak claims your character once ate nothing but dirt for an entire week. It's brutal.

The game does feature one other variation on the Eight Gyms to Elite Four formula: Each area you find is also tormented by 'Tyrant Pokémon,' mutated forms of the game's standard monsters. To complete the game, you have to either take out or capture those Tyrants, which include a Zangoose that wields metal claws, and an Arcanine equipped with Water-type abilities.

Pokémon Prism

Though most ROM hacks are built upon Game Boy Advance-era titles, Pokémon Prism is a modded version of Pokémon Gold for Game Boy Color. What's fascinating is that its roster features Pokémon from the first four generations of the series, all the way up to the Diamond and Pearl titles on Nintendo DS. That means more recent Pokémon have been dramatically, graphically simplified to match the game's 8-bit aesthetic.

Prism is ambitious and bizarre, featuring minigames, side-scrolling exploration segments and even areas where you manually control the Pokemon in your party. Like Advanced Adventure, its tone is also fairly idiosyncratic; in one cave, you have to square off against a team of super-powered 'Pallet Rangers,' modeled after their Mighty Morphin' kin. Unfortunately, Prism (like many ambitious Pokémon hacks) isn't finished, and hasn't been updated since 2010. However, some recent activity on the game's Facebook page suggests more content could be coming soon.

Pokémon AshGray

If you ever watched the original Pokémon animated series, Pokémon AshGray is something you absolutely must play. It's a hacked version of Pokémon FireRed that follows the plot of the TV show's first season with startling accuracy. So many familiar events are depicted: Ash's reluctant partnership with Pikachu, his escape from a flock of Spearow, his run-in with the Squirtle Squad, his discovery of Bulbasaur's Hidden Village, his survival of the sinking of the St. Anne. It's all there, and it's all interactive.

AshGray doesn't force you to follow the course of the series to the letter — you can catch Pokémon Ash never caught in the series, and build your team as you see fit. But the way that it interprets the TV show's main plotlines in the form of over 100 in-game events is truly impressive. It also features events based on Pokémon: The First Movie, in which Ash dies and is resurrected by Pikachu tears. Fun stuff!

Also noteworthy: Some of the functions filled by Pokémon moves, like Cut and Surf, are actually performed with tools like a Hatchet and a Raft. It's an act of mercy for which I will be forever grateful.

AshGray actually isn't the only ROM hack based on other pieces of Pokémon media — Pokemon Naranja (Orange), a Spanish-language hack of Pokémon Ruby, similarly follows the events of the animated series' second season, titled Adventures in Orange Island. There's also Pokémon Adventures Red, a FireRed hack which follows along the plot of the original Pokémon manga.

Pokémon Quartz


Pokémon Quartz isn't the best hacked ROM out there, but it's definitely not lacking in inventiveness. Sure, its sprites are occasionally pretty ugly, its translation is rough and its gameplay isn't especially captivating. What's bonkers about Pokémon Quartz is the fact that it features a roster of completely made-up Pokémon. Every single creature in the game is original; there's nary a Squirtle nor Jigglypuff to be found.

A few of its cast are simply palette-swapped versions of their counterparts in Pokémon Ruby, the source material for this hack. But most are entirely new sprites, all with entirely new names. It's a pretty remarkable effort, even if the quality of the finished product is a bit mixed.


Pokémon Dark Rising

Pokemon Rom Hacks For Desmume

A common theme among Pokémon ROM hacks is the enhancement of difficulty, and few hacks take that idea further than Pokémon Dark Rising, a hack of Pokémon FireRed. Before even reaching the game's second town, I had wiped out five or six times — and it didn't get much easier after that. Dark Rising demands you keep up with a punishing pace to keep your team at the appropriate level, from the first gym to the final battle, in which you square off against six level 99 legendaries. Good luck with that!

Of course, its difficulty isn't all that Dark Rising has going for it. It also features a roster of Pokémon from the series' first five generations, moves and abilities from later titles and a truly huge world to explore. True to its name, it's got a darker-than-usual storyline, focused around stopping a nefarious entity capable of controlling the minds of Pokémon trainers. It's an ambitious project, and one that's actually continuing on in a sequel that's currently in beta, which actually incorporates Pokémon from the most recent 3DS titles, Pokémon X and Y.

Also noteworthy: All your starters are Dragon-type, which actually makes for a refreshing change of pace.

Pokémon Fusion Generation


Imagine a Pokémon game in which Bill, the oddball creator of the Pokémon Storage System, had overstepped all the ethical boundaries of modern science, creating monstrous Poke-hybrids in defiance of God's will. You have just imagined Pokémon Fusion Generation, a GBA-era fan-made game in which players can capture and train Pokémon from several different generations, as well as over 100 Pokémon that have been blended into entirely new monstrosities.

The fused Pokémon, which are reminiscent of the creations of the Pokémon Fusion web app, actually add a strategic twist to the game, as you're never quite sure which constituent attributes have been carried over when you face off against a fused monster. The game also tackles the ethics of fusion, which is to say, the un-ethics: Bill's machine literally combines two monsters into one, meaning .. one of them gets destroyed? Do they both get destroyed? Are there two brains in that Gyrados/Dragonite hybrid? Are there two souls?

Also, spoiler alert: There's an easter egg in Pokémon Fusion Generation in which you find your way into the basement of Bill's lab, where you can find caged, failed fusion experiments, who beg you to kill them. Hey, alright! Pretty cool, Pokémon game!

Pokémon Snakewood

Surprisingly, a ton of fan-made Pokémon games still follow the series' Gym-tackling, Elite Four-conquering formula super closely. Pokémon Snakewood, a hack of Pokémon Ruby, takes a decidedly different route. Like, there are still gym badges, but you'll pull a lot of them off the zombified husks of former gym leaders who perished in the apocalypse. Oh, right — Pokémon Snakewood is set in the apocalypse. Several apocalypses, actually — a zombie apocalypse, a demonic apocalypse; heck, at one point, you square off against the literal Four Horsemen. It's throwing apocalyptic spaghetti at the wall.

The story gets pretty dark, as you might imagine; most of the trainers you fight are zombies, some of whom train zombified versions of actual Pokemon (with amusing names like Boilbasaur and Gorelax). There's also a fair number of original Pokemon in Snakewood, some of which belong to an entirely new 'Disease' type. Also, sometimes you can actually use Pokemon to fight the trainers themselves; a feature reminiscent of the legendary creepypasta PokémonBlack bootleg.

For all of that gloom (and occasionally excessive gore), Snakewood actually has a fairly good sense of humor about the apocalypse, leading to one of the more surreal ROM hacks out there.

Pokémon Light Platinum

Compared to some of the other games on this list, Pokémon Light Platinum doesn't exactly think outside the box. What's notable about Light Platinum is this: It feels more like a real Pokémon game than any hacked ROM I've played. It's got two enormous regions to explore, Pokémon from four different generations, entirely new sprites and tile sets and a level of polish that no other game on this list can top.

It's a Pokémon Ruby hack, but actually ends up being a larger endeavor than the game upon which it's based. There are a total of 16 badges to collect, two Pokémon leagues to take down and a climactic World Championship waiting at the end of the game. Again, it's not especially inventive, but it feels authentic and official, which is something of a feat in and of itself.

Pokémon Reborn

Like Snakewood, Pokémon Reborn is set in the wake of a Pokémon catastrophe — but unlike Snakewood, Reborn's take on Armageddon is far less jovial. In Reborn, Pokémon have become something of a scarcity; many breeds are on the verge of extinction. Your player is tasked with discovering the cause of and reversing their disappearance, working together with scientists and conservationists to keep Pokémon from disappearing entirely. All the while, extremist groups are carrying out acts of terrorism to destabilize the already unstable Reborn City. It's bleak, bleak stuff.

Pokémon Reborn's story is its most fascinating feature, but there's a ton of mechanical innovation going on behind the scenes, too. The developers have updated the game frequently, and hope to add all 721 Pokémon to the title eventually — a feat requiring an outrageous amount of sprite work. There's also some clever functionality in Reborn, like a quick save option, a streamlined training method and a feature that changes the effectiveness of certain attacks based on the weather and environment in which a battle is taking place.

Also, the scariest interpretation of the Pokemon Steelix ever conceived, as seen above. No thank you, PokémonReborn.

The Pokémon-athon:

719 Pokemon, 61 games, 1 website

Click here for undiluted nostalgia

If you’re reading this we’re guessing you’re a big fan of Pokémon games. Unfortunately, there are long gaps between official releases, but don’t despair, as there are a number of fan-made Pokémon games you can play in the meantime.

The Pokémon community has produced loads of fan-made games, which are packed with new adventures, features, and characters. Here are the best free fan-made Pokémon games you can play right now.

Play Pokémon Games Using an Emulator

Best Pokemon Nds Roms Hacks

Some of the fan-made Pokémon games on this list require you to use an emulator. An emulator being a computer program that emulates old games consoles on another device. For more context, learn what emulation is and how it works.

Emulators can play ROMs, which are computer images of games taken from a read-only memory chip (like a Game Boy cartridge). You can install an emulator on your computer or mobile device.

For the avid gamer who enjoys classic gaming as much as modern, AAA-rated games, an emulator is a must. There are a lot of different emulators available for every conceivable system.

Many of the games on this list require a Game Boy Advance emulator (some are desktop games). we opted to use the Visual Boy Advance emulator for Windows. However, you can grab an emulator for your system from one of these links.

Download: Visual Boy Advance for Windows (Free)
Download: Open Emu for macOS (Free)
Download: Mednafen for Linux (Free) Higan for Linux (Free)
Download: John GBA for Android (Free, with ads) Android ($2.99)
Download: GBA4iOS for iOS (Free)

If you’re not interested in using an emulator then check out our list of official Pokémon gamesThe Mega-List of All Official Pokémon Games You Can PlayThe Mega-List of All Official Pokémon Games You Can PlayLove Pokémon or want to get started with the series? Check out this list of the official mainline Pokémon games, as well as how we rank them.Read More instead.

1. Pokémon Insurgence

We start with a formidable fan-made Pokémon game called Pokémon Insurgence. Insurgence boasts thousands of players. Furthermore, Insurgence shakes the traditional Pokémon adventure up with a gritty storyline filled with cultist leaders and Pokémon experimentation. All of this in an entirely new region too.

The sprite collection and general gameplay give an official feeling to the game. Add in mega evolutions and creative delta species, where a player can mix the DNA of two Pokémon to create a third, and there’s no way you can pass up the experience.

2. Pokémon Light Platinum

There’s nothing quite like pitting old-gen Pokémon vs. new-gen Pokémon. Pokémon Light Platinum is touted as one of the most complete Pokémon ROMs to date.

Based off of the popular Pokémon Ruby version, Pokémon Light Platinum features impressive graphics and a wide array of Pokémon along with new regions and gyms to keep any Pokémon fan occupied for hours.

With 16 gym badges, two Pokémon leagues, and a world championship, Pokémon Light Platinum has a lot to offer. If you’re looking for a familiar alternative to the official Pokémon games, Light Platinum is it.

3. Pokémon Ash Gray

Pokémon Ash Gray is a fan-made Pokémon game based off Fire-Red which simulates Ash’s journey in the original Pokémon animated series.

I was a huge fan of the animated series growing up, so Pokémon Ash Gray is a pleasant trip down memory lane. Train Pikachu and ward off mean sparrows yourself with this fan-made game.

4. Pokémon Dark Rising

Pokémon Dark Rising feels like the Dark Souls of Pokémon. With the difficulty level bumped up to 11, it’s typical to wipe out multiple times before getting to the first gym leader. The beginning of the storyline is enticing in itself:

“You are a young Pokémon Trainer in Core Region. The game plot starts when you sleep and have a strange dream. You see a strange Pokémon that appears incidentally in your dream but you don’t know or meet it before. This Pokémon says it chooses you to be its owner and wants you to save it and the world.”

From the rival battles to the random encounters, this game will leave you hanging on by a thread. Your starters are all Dragon-types for a refreshing early game experience as well, while the game itself spans the first five generations of Pokémon.

5. Pokémon Godra

While most fan-made ROMs attempt to make the most out of Pokémon characters rather than trainer development, Pokémon Godra tries to make that leap. In this popular fan-made ROM, you can lead a life outside the gym.

With a series of career paths set up for your trainer, you can be a War Party Leader, a Military General, a Safari Zone Warden, and more.

Pokemon Nds Roms For Desmume

Besides being a quality game that spans generations of Pokémon, there are also Western and Eastern halves of Godra which include different storylines and quests for you to enjoy.

6. Pokémon Reborn

Pokémon Reborn is the first game on this list that isn’t a ROM. Unlike the other games, which are ROM hacks, Pokémon Reborn is an entirely new game created in RPG Maker.

The result is much higher resolution sprites, a plethora of vibrant colors, custom Pokémon, an enormous world to explore, and around 55 hours of gameplay. Pokémon Reborn is a desktop game, rather than a Game Boy Advance ROM.

You enter a world filled with black smog and acidic water. There is crime everywhere, and the world around you is crumbling. Luckily, you are the hero.

7. Pokémon Uranium

Pokémon Uranium is one of the few RPG Maker-based fan-made Pokémon games to receive cease-and-desist letters during development. By the time the cease-and-desist hit the desk of director and programmer “~JV~,” Pokémon Uranium had already hit 1.5 million downloads.

While the development team complied with the letter, the Pokémon Uranium fanbase picked up the mantle, releasing several patches and bug fixes for the game.

Pokémon Uranium focuses on the tale of a young Pokémon trainer attempting to uncover the secrets of a nuclear explosion in the Tandor region. On the way, strange occurrences surround the player, and the specter of an irradiated Pokémon looms large.

Like Pokémon Reborn, Pokémon Uranium is a desktop game.

8. Pokémon 3D

Pokémon 3D is a surprisingly refreshing fan-made project. A remake of Pokémon Gold and Silver, Pokémon 3D simulates the world of Pokémon in a popup 3D environment.

Although Pokémon 3D follows the typical Pokémon adventure format, the impressive popup effect gives the original game new life. Which makes it well worth playing.

Gotta Try ‘Em All!

There are a serious number of fan-made Pokémon games in development. The cycle of updates and new releases is nearly constant. Taking the time to develop, rearrange, and craft the world of Pokémon is painstaking. Yet thousands of artists and developers continue out of love for the games.

Pokémon isn’t the only gaming series with fan-made games. You can also play one of these free fan-made Super Mario games7 Free Fan-Made Super Mario Games You Can Play Now7 Free Fan-Made Super Mario Games You Can Play NowWant to play an all-new Mario game? Thanks to the work of fans, you can enjoy these fan-made Mario games for free.Read More to add to your Nintendo nerdiness.

Explore more about: Free Games, Game Mods, Nintendo, Pokémon.

  1. I've decided to play a few romhacks/fan-made games and based myself on this list.

    Starting with Dark Rising, and boy what a horrible game. I'm playing the original and not the Kaizo version, which I heard fixed many bugs (I found out about this way too late and I'm not going to play from the start again), but it's so unpolished and untested.

    Play killer bean unleashed game To survive them all, you have to be really good. To conquer them all, you have to be a LEGEND. THIS IS NOT A DASH GAME Become Killer Bean and use your extreme skill to take down your enemies. Killer Bean Unleashed. 19 INTENSE LEVELS 3 Modes of Play: Story Mode, Mega Levels, and Survival Mode! To survive them all, you have to be really.

    The maps are boring and many have wrong textures, which makes it feel unnatural. The connection between towns are always caves, which I guess it's because the creator couldn't find a smooth transition using just routes. Text all over the game is full of typos. The story is convoluted, there are so many characters, and all with 0 introduction and development to them. Not to mention how boring it is.

    Also, something that bothered me a lot was that most maps are basically the taken from the original game and have a little sprinkle on them. Taken out of the contest of the game, those maps made very little sense.

    The game has one thing going for it which is the premise of difficulty, which I have to say did make me work for those battles. I'm a fan of grinding, so I had no problem with that, but it just goes beyond with trying to make a tough fight in a way that I disagree. Giving every enemy pokemon from important fights a Leftovers is bad design.

    This brings the point of Marts that don't progress in the same way as the game does. By the third gym you already have level 40~50 pokemon, which have 150 HP+, and not a single Hyper Potion or Full Heal can be bought up to the sixth city or something. That may be justified with the argument of making the game harder, but it just made it feel uncomfortable.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd give my 2 cents about this game, since it made this list. I haven't finished yet, nor the other games in the list, but I will. Maybe the rest of the list is a bit better.

  2. Which pokemon fan game or rom hack transports you to the pokemon world by arceus and he also introduces you to the mechanics of the game ? It is very annoying that I can remember.

  3. Fanmade games are NOT ROM HACKS. The list above are romhacks, as you need a patch file and a rom, and an emulator to play them after you've patched the files.

    Fanmades are made in things such as RPG Maker, and there tends to be a whole lot more work put into them since they come with extra functions, play modes, and usually don't use JUST the Pokemon Essentials pack. Plus, you can mod them for special perks or effects in-game, like the Weather Mod or Hardcore Mod on Pokemon Reborn, or the Follower Pokemon in Pokemon Rejuvenation.

    • Also, there are a few on here that, while they aren't made in RPG Maker, and they are not made with rom hacks for use in emulators, they are now deceased. Thanks, Nintendo.

  4. I might be a bit late, but my timing is not. So, just two words: 'Pokémon Reloaded'
    You may haven't heard of it, mostly because is a spanish game (the new beta will have english option), but it redefines the genre:
    -No need for emulator, it's made in game-maker.
    -Real time battle. Easy to learn, frustratingly hard to master.
    -New background music (can be changed to classic)
    -Up to 5th gen (+ fairy type and mega) but new beta will be up to 7th gen.
    -Outside battle release (like HG/SS) with ability to mega-evolve/use HM/ ride with Ext. Speed.
    -A new region with new gyms and league + gyms and leagues from other games.
    -All legendary and evil teams have their stories + the new team: Team Requiem.
    -New Pokémon like Pryncice (Jynx evo), Mewthree, Crystalonix, and many Eevee evolutions.
    -Secret code to play as you want: Lance, Maxim, a Bug Catcher, a Rocket goon..

  5. Planet Pokemon has been abandoned and all servers have gone offline, making the game totally unplayable.

  6. 'Since all of these games require a Game Boy Advanced emulator and I am using a Windows computer, I used Virtual Boy Advanced.'

    It's **Game Boy Advance**, not 'Advanced.' Geez.

    • Hes talking about a game boy advanced emulator for pc called visual boy advanced [he misspelled it though]

      • It's still 'Visual Boy Advance.' And he was talking about an emulator for the 'Game Boy Advance.' Neither one has Advanced with a D at the end of the name.

  7. No mention of PokeMMO? https://pokemmo.eu/

    Works really well and has quite a large playerbase. Food expiration code cheat charts.

  8. I've played three Pokemon fangames, I have four, and am seriously considering Pokemon Godra up there. I've started Pokemon Insurgence, Pokemon Uranium, and Generation 0. All are pretty cool, and Gen 0 is so different from the others it's really hard to compare. I love it and Pokemon Uranium about equally.

    • Godra is a virus be careful I just tried it

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